“There are two memorable people in life” My father said. “Those who will catapult you to greater heights and those that can stagnate you or bring you down” He continued “You have to be careful who you deal with and how you deal with them.” I have a lot of lessons from my father but […]

“He has a pleasant personality, he is a good communicator, has influence, he is charismatic, is focused and result oriented.” The team responded. This was in reference to a curtain raiser on a discussion on life skills. I had requested the team members to pick a public figure that they admire. They were then to […]

“Have you ever met a bad person?” An acquaintance posed this question to me a while back. “I don’t know? I answered. What I actually meant is that it takes me a while to conclude if one should be considered a bad person or not. For as long I can remember I have always had […]