Three weeks ago we were moved to tears by one of our celebrities who confessed to have spent the night in the cold after he failed to raise money to pay his house rent. I obviously don’t want to dwell on the details of his life. Something was however very clear from the reaction of […]

The other day I came across a story on social media about an 11-year-old boy who committed suicide because his parents accused him of stealing rice. In one of the comments someone noted “In all my growing up I only remember being beaten by my parents twice all the others were attempted murder.” Though this […]

Have you ever been harsh to someone or discredited their actions because you thought they were not responsible enough then regretted later. When you do not take time to understand situations from the other person’s perspective you are likely to display actions and words that are inappropriate to the situation or person. You then hurt […]

Do you dread social interactions because you do not wish to spend time with individuals who do not have similar interests with you? Social skill is the ability to find common ground, build rapport, manage relationships and foster networks. It is more than just meeting people or being talkative. It is knowing what to say […]

How many times do you take an action or say a word and later regret it? Most people have destroyed valuable connections due to right words said at the wrong time or wrong words said at the right time. Hasty actions have also destroyed a lot of connections. Self-regulation is the ability to control or […]

When we think about relationships we mostly think about what the other person is bringing on the table. When relationships go sour we easily blame the other person and the role they played in it. We blame our parents and guardians because they did not spend time with us, we blame our partners and spouses […]